Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Memoir of My Father: Above All (Father’s Day Special)

The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all (John 3:31)

Naturally, writing about my mother comes easy. In fact, many have wondered how many mother’s days we celebrate in a year, and that I have done justice to in this post.  In my opinion, even if we had a hundred days in the year dedicated to mothers, it would still fall shy because mothers are simply great. But there is a need to balance things and celebrate men the world over who have stayed by the women, the fathers who didn’t choose the easy way out, the ones who chose to stay regardless. In the light of recent happenings, from lockdowns to anti-racism protests, police brutality, etc. I have reflected on growing up with my dad and it dawned on me how much I love but how little I tell him so. I felt compelled to share an experience I had with my dad while I was a kid- about 5 years of age- this is one way of letting him know I love him so much! It is an experience which has stuck with me ever since, and one which God has used to speak to me and remind me of my identity and position in Him- that I am above all.
As a child, I did not have football classes that my dad came to watch. Of course, we had inter-house sports competitions in school, but I can’t recollect my dad attending (mum did on some occasions). However, I do remember him patting me on the back after successful outings where I represented the church or my school at different competitions and for my academic performances.
The memorable experience with my dad happened on a fateful weekday as he prepared me for the school that morning. Usually, my mum would bathe me and help me get dressed up for school, but this particular morning, for some reasons I can’t remember, she was not home and daddy had to take over. After bathing and cleaning me up, he tied the towel firmly around my little waist the exact same way he tied his. I was thrilled! I admired my dad’s adeptness at wrapping the towel that it left much to be desired whenever mum did it.
Next, dad led me into the room gripping my hands firmly, and instead of applying the body lotion as he towered over me, he did something that would impact my life forever. Dad lifted me up and placed me on the big reading table in the room I shared with my brothers. Wow! For a 5-year-old whom mum never did that for, it was exhilarating. Fast forward to now, I know why he put me on the table, it was easier for him to apply the lotion and get me dressed without having to bend or lean over many times, thereby protecting his back from hurting. But for me, it was a golden moment, as I towered above everything in the room, my dad inclusive.
“Daddy” I called out, “I am taller than you.” I recall vividly the look on his face as he responded, beaming with his signature smile “yes, you are above everything here.” Oh, what response! Oh, what joy filled my soul! My father placed me above everything and went on to reaffirm with a smile and his words, my new position. He was down there to catch me in his strong and loving arms in case I decided to jump down, but thought of jumping off didn’t cross my mind. I was up and above all, not afraid of towering high above all and remaining there because my father approved of me being there. The truth is, he put me up there. His reaffirming smile and words of affirmation dispelled the fear of heights. More so, my father wasn’t threatened that I towered high above him. He knew that if I am up there, then he is up there too simply because I am a reflection of him.
On that table, that fateful morning, I was dressed up and prepared not just for school, but for life. I am sure that day was one of my best days in school and one of the many childhood memories I cherish of my father. As I grow older and have to face the vicissitudes of life, I am reminded of my identity and position that I am above only because I come from above and my father’s radiant face and reassuring words help me stay above against all odds.
Today, what scary situation stares you in the face? What heights are you afraid of maintaining and what positions are you unsure of occupying? If your Father put you up there, what virus or what amount of discrimination can bring you down? Remember that “God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” (Eph.2:6) “because as he is, so are we in this world” (1 Jn.4:17b).
To my dad, the real men out there standing by their women, present in their children’s lives, all the men, single or married, standing against injustice, doing right because it’s the right thing to do, I wish you all a HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!
As a way of celebrating all great fathers, kindly click on ICA’s “The Epic Father” for a complete guide on how to remain or become an Epic Father in these precarious times.
How does this truth about the position and identity your heavenly Father has bestowed upon you affect your outlook about life? Feel free to share with us in the comment section.


  1. Wonderful and inspiring!! That's the truth about our Christian race

  2. This has helped me think more about my father and my relationship with him. It might not be as hands on as yours but it is there and it could be better. Thanks for helping me appreciate him more

  3. This is simply breathtaking and captivating. Excellent writeup sire



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