Wednesday, 31 May 2017


The story of Stephen, the first Christian martyr documented in Acts 7 really inspires us to stand strong in the face of persecution.  Reading through that passage of scripture, we all regardless of age or status will find ourselves sometime or the other being persecuted for what we believe. Such a situation requires that we be strong, stand our ground based on our conviction and trust God to eventually turn the situation around and use the occasion to draw others to Himself.
Persecution is defined by the Oxford dictionary as: to grieve, afflict, harass, punish or put to death for one’s race, sexual identity, adherence to a particular religious creed or mode of worship.
Pressure on the other hand means capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect; power exerted against will or consent; anything that is able to make a big change in a person or thing, for instance, the effect of heat on plastic or metal.
Everyone on earth has been and will be pressured and persecuted, whether they like it or not. When you’re pressured by family, friends/peers, or some other circumstances and you refuse to give in, the next thing that happens is that you’re persecuted.
The aim of persecution is to make you change. Change your standards, values, beliefs and conform to standards which most times are lower than what you hold on to. Persecution makes use of pressure as a channel to achieve its goal.
Jesus in Mark 14:61-62 was persecuted for claiming his authority as Messiah, yet he stood his ground.
What do I do when pressure and persecution arises?
The first thing to do is to practice God’s presence. In Hebrews 13:5, God promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He gave the Holy Spirit to abide with us forever (John 14:16, 17). So, cultivate a relationship with God and His spirit. His Spirit will strengthen and energize you in the face of persecution.
The second thing to do is to emulate the rock-solid faith of martyrs such as Stephen, Jesus and the disciples, both in life and someday in death, particularly if we are ever faced with the choice they had to make.
We must live by the life-changing truth that death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. Eternal separation from God is.
How can God turn the pressure and persecution around to draw others to Himself?  The truth is that people are watching as you go through all of the pressure and how you handle the persecution. But as you stand strong as strengthened by the Holy Spirit, you discover that living for Christ is worth dying for. Your willingness to boldly proclaim your faith In Jesus, both as you walk through life and as you knock on death’s door someday will no doubt inspire others to love your God and commit themselves to Him.
 Reference: Shannon Ethridge. (2007). Completely Irresistible. Day 3.

Silas Emovwodo is Vice President, Rebraining Nigeria Group, an NGO and a youth minister and teen counselor in Foursquare Gospel Church, Transfiguration Center, Opa, Ile-Ife.


A teenager or teen is a young person whose age falls within the range of 13-19. They are teenagers because their age number ends with teen. It is a terms widely used to describe an age group between childhood and adulthood, during this transitional period, teens always have physical & mental human development. They always undergo rapid physical development. This is a period where teens begin to look like adults than children e.g. voice changes, breast develops etc. Teenage period can be a frustrating time in life. It is a period when they feel they are old enough to take decisions in their own.
Scripture represent teen or youth as a time both of danger & challenges. Genesis 8:21 says "the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth", 2Timothy 2:22 admonishes to "flee youthful lust".  
But God also recognizes the value of youths/teens in the following ways:
Youths are the most valuable component in the service of God as Ecclesiastes 12:1 urges to “remember now your creator in the days of your youth before the civil days comes.”
 * Youths have energy e.g. David in the Bible 1Tim 4:12.
In fact the Bible shows us how God used teens & youth in unfolding his marvelous plan of redemption. 
1. Teens like to explore.
2. They like to be independent, they have self-centered attitude.
3. it’s a period of rapid change in behavior.
4. They are stubborn and have strong emotions.
5. This is a period when parents & teen always argue a lot over issues. 
6. They want to take decision on their own & to be given responsibility.
It means when a person is capable to accomplish a purpose and expected to produce results.
* Be active in your community be it church, school or workplace and do what you are expected to do with zeal and knowledge, for instance, identify where you know you can do well Acts 6:2 Evangelism, choir, ushering, sanitation, wherever! When you are given a task, give it your all.
In the society:
√ be a role model for other teens;
√ stand by the truth;
√ don't join keep bad company.
√ Always help when you know people are in need.
 Examples of teens in the Bible that were effective include: Samuel, David, Timothy, Titus among others.
Regardless of your age, God is more than willing to use you if you will only submit to Him. You can be effective for God in your lifetime.
Mrs. Susan Gabriel, a teenagers Counselor in Foursquare Gospel Church, Kingdom Life Center, Moore/Ojaja, Ile-Ife can be contacted via whatsapp on 08134518169


The dictionary defines a friend as “A person other than a family member, spouse or lover whose company one enjoys and towards whom one feels affection".
This therefore explains that a friend has a very strong impact and influence in a person’s life. There was a story of a young prince who suddenly developed infatuation for his younger sister who was a princess. Although the two of them were not born by the same mother but the King was their father. Apparently, it was wrong for both of them to be sexually involved. The prince called his friend and told him about his feelings for the princess. The friend then gave an advice that the prince should disguise as if he was sick and request for the princess to bring food to his room, afterwards the prince should rape the princess so as to satisfy his feelings. The prince followed the advice of his friend and committed an abomination. The prince was later murdered because of this abomination he committed (Read 2 Samuel 13 and 14 for the full gist).
The question now is who should be blamed? Is it the friend that gave the advice or the Prince that took the advice?
Naturally as young people we usually discuss any crush we have with our friends first, we discuss how much we love the person, we discuss even the surprise gifts we intend to give the person. Obviously our friend’s opinion matters a lot, be it positive or negative. And mind you, whatever decision you make in life, you will be responsible for it. Just like the story narrated, the friend gave a wrong advice, but it was the prince that made the decision to follow the advice and he paid for it with his life. Nobody will hold the friend responsible for the abomination committed.
Therefore do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Unbelievers are those who don't believe God's word irrespective of whether they come to church every day. This makes it very easy to identify wrong friends. That won't have been the first time that the prince’s friend will give a bad advice, so the Prince must have known the kind of person he was.
A godly relationship can be likened to the friendship between Jonathan and David. Both parties should impact each other positively. Choose your friends wisely and deliberately. In godly relationship both parties don't envy each other or compete with each other. Like the case of Jonathan who should have envied the grace of God on David who was appointed to replace him. Jonathan rather helped David by saving his life at some strategic time when Saul wanted to kill him.
On a final note, friends are important people in our lives therefore, we need to choose them wisely.
Oluwatosin Ogundolie is a Teens Coordinator in Foursquare Gospel Church, Grace Tabernacle, Mayfair, Ile-Ife. She wrote via


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