The dictionary defines a friend as “A person other than a
family member, spouse or lover whose company one enjoys and towards whom one
feels affection".
This therefore explains that a friend has a very strong
impact and influence in a person’s life. There was a story of a young prince
who suddenly developed infatuation for his younger sister who was a princess.
Although the two of them were not born by the same mother but the King was their
father. Apparently, it was wrong for both of them to be sexually involved. The prince
called his friend and told him about his feelings for the princess. The friend then
gave an advice that the prince should disguise as if he was sick and request
for the princess to bring food to his room, afterwards the prince should rape
the princess so as to satisfy his feelings. The prince followed the advice of
his friend and committed an abomination. The prince was later murdered because
of this abomination he committed (Read 2 Samuel 13 and 14 for the full gist).
The question now is who should be blamed? Is it the
friend that gave the advice or the Prince that took the advice?
Naturally as young people we usually discuss any crush we
have with our friends first, we discuss how much we love the person, we discuss
even the surprise gifts we intend to give the person. Obviously our friend’s
opinion matters a lot, be it positive or negative. And mind you, whatever decision
you make in life, you will be responsible for it. Just like the story narrated,
the friend gave a wrong advice, but it was the prince that made the decision to
follow the advice and he paid for it with his life. Nobody will hold the friend
responsible for the abomination committed.
Therefore do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Unbelievers
are those who don't believe God's word irrespective of whether they come to
church every day. This makes it very easy to identify wrong friends. That won't
have been the first time that the prince’s friend will give a bad advice, so
the Prince must have known the kind of person he was.
A godly relationship can be likened to the friendship
between Jonathan and David. Both parties should impact each other positively.
Choose your friends wisely and deliberately. In godly relationship both parties
don't envy each other or compete with each other. Like the case of Jonathan who
should have envied the grace of God on David who was appointed to replace him.
Jonathan rather helped David by saving his life at some strategic time when
Saul wanted to kill him.
On a final note, friends are important people in our
lives therefore, we need to choose them wisely.
Ogundolie is a Teens Coordinator in Foursquare Gospel Church, Grace Tabernacle,
Mayfair, Ile-Ife. She wrote via
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