Monday, 24 July 2017

As parents/guardians, you might sometimes  wonder what goes on in the mind of your teenage child. Here is a little insight, have a good read.
I am strong, full of power,
Great strength dwells on my inside.
I don’t like to be underrated,
Neither do I like being under mined
Because I have a mind of my own.
I am a teenager.

I used to be called mummy’s boy,
A nickname I ‘earned’ from my classmates.
I tried to stop being her sweetest heart
By spending all my time on me,
But I realized obedience is key.
Although I still share great moments with her,
I enjoy my lone times at home.
I am a teenager.

When I see dad’s bearded face,
Coupled with uncle’s muscular chest,
I covet them earnestly.
After all, the Bible says
‘covet earnestly the best gifts’.
The beard, they say I will get tired of
I want it anyway;
If my friends can have it,
What stops me from having the same?
I am a teenager.

I like to wear my timberland boots;
The baggy trousers mummy sews,
I will never wear.
Anything that trends is my thing,
So far uniqueness is guaranteed,
I am good to go.
Looking good is my business,
More so, I am like my Father God,
I am a teenager.

Sometimes, I don’t feel like
attending Bible studies,
neither do I like to miss
Chelsea’s matches
especially when it is service days;
I attend them all the same.
I am a Godly teenager.

I have my shortcomings;
pleasant today,
naughty in the morrow.
When I misbehave,
I am glad mummy corrects me,
dad also doesn’t hesistate
To scold me when I miss it.
I might not like it sometimes
but I ultimately become a better me.
I am a teenager.

Oh yeah!
I almost forgot
Music is me.
You see me,
You smell the chords.
I love my musical lessons
From rock to jazz onto highlife;
Reggae is also sweet.
So far they are Gospel-based
and I learn a lesson or two,
coupled with striking my guitar strings
We are on good terms.
Who dull spirit epp?
C’mon, let’s Gospel- rock it
I’m a teenager.

My basket ball practise periods are
also one of my best moments.
One of the times I get to rub
shoulders with my peers.
All play and no work makes me
a dull teen.
I am a teenager.

I love my make ups properly done
Mum says I can't wear them heavily
But she uses it, doesn't she?
She says I must finish Secondary school
Before I can have a makeup kit.
C'mon, that's too far.
Do I have to wait that long,
Before I can appear prim and proper?
Well, so far she allows me wear it to Church
and other special occasions,
I am partially cool with it.
What shall I do?
I am a teenager.
Written by Bolanle Akinsanol who worships at Living Faith Church (aka Winners' Chapel). Bolanle is passionate about teenagers and has discovered that she's born to help teenagers discover and nurture the seeds in them, so they can maximise their potentials.

She can be reached on 07030415292 or

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